History: Accommodation
Preview of version: 10
COMING SOON: Information on reserving rooms through the conference
Please see below for information about hotels, hostels, and WikiHouses.
View WikiSym Gdańsk in a larger map
Small hotels
Larger hotels
Past WikiSyms have featured Wikihouses, house rentals that conference members have organized so that WikiSym attendees can stay together. If any attendees want to organize a WikiHouse, please do so!
Please see below for information about hotels, hostels, and WikiHouses.
Nearby hotels
View WikiSym Gdańsk in a larger map
Small hotels
- Dom Muzyka Hotel
- Willa Biała Lilia (White Lily Hotel)
- Address: 80-750 Gdańsk, Spichrzowa 16, tel: +48 58 301-70-74
- Website
- Hotel Podewils (*****)
- Address: 80-755 Gdańsk, Szafarnia 2, tel: +48 58 300-95-60
- Website
- Hotel Gdansk (****)
- Address: 80-755 Gdańsk, Szafarnia 9, tel. +48 58 300-17-17
- Website
Larger hotels
- Novotel
- Address: 80-749 Gdańsk, ul. Pszenna 1, tel: +48 58 300-27-50
- Website
- Radisson Blu
- Qubus Hotel
Nearby hostels
For the budget-conscious, Gdansk has a wide range of student dormitory and hostel accommodation.Hostels
The closest student dorms are:- Dom Studencki Nr 2 Akademii Muzycznej
- Address: ul. Łąkowa 1/2, 80-743 Gdańsk, tel. +48 58 300 92 60 Google map
- Distance from the conference venue: onsite
- Beds: 136 (10 singles, 18 doubles, 30 rooms for three)
- Address: ul. Łąkowa 1/2, 80-743 Gdańsk, tel. +48 58 300 92 60 Google map
- Dom Studencki Nr 1 Akademii Muzycznej'
- Address: plac Wałowy 15a, 80-821 Gdańsk, tel. +48 58 301 79 23 Google map
- Distance from the conference venue: ca. 15 min on foot
- Beds: 70 (7 singles, 12 doubles, 9 rooms for three, 4 rooms for four)
- Address: plac Wałowy 15a, 80-821 Gdańsk, tel. +48 58 301 79 23 Google map
- Dom Studencki Akademii Sztuk Pięknych'
- Address: ul. Chlebnicka 13/16, 80-830 Gdańsk, tel. +48 58 301 28 16 Google map
- Distance from the conference venue: ca. 10 minutes on foot
- Beds: unknown, the place has 10 guest suites among other rooms
- Price: PLN 64.20/ night
- Address: ul. Chlebnicka 13/16, 80-830 Gdańsk, tel. +48 58 301 28 16 Google map
- Dom Studencki Nr 6 Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego'
- Address: ul. Podwale Przedmiejskie 20, 80-824 Gdańsk, tel. +48 58 523 62 18, +48 58 523 62 19 Google map
- Distance from the conference venue: ca. 15 minutes on foot
- Beds: single and double rooms, number unknown
- Price: from PLN 60/ night up
- Address: ul. Podwale Przedmiejskie 20, 80-824 Gdańsk, tel. +48 58 523 62 18, +48 58 523 62 19 Google map
Past WikiSyms have featured Wikihouses, house rentals that conference members have organized so that WikiSym attendees can stay together. If any attendees want to organize a WikiHouse, please do so!