History: Attendees
Source of version: 65
If you are planning to attend WikiSym, list your name and interests here! To coordinate staying with other attendees, see ((accommodation)). __Note__: listing your name here does not register you for the conference. Registration is coming soon.
!!I'm coming to WikiSym
(see also the [http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=273059892420|facebook event] for more attendees!)
* Ademar Aguiar, University of Porto
* [http://www.sftw.umac.mo/~robertb/|Robert Biuk-Aghai], University of Macau
* [http://www.andreaforte.net|Andrea Forte], Drexel University
* [http://michalf.me|Michał Frąckowiak] from [http://www.wikidot.com|Wikidot.com]
* [http://bouillon.math.usu.ru|Victor Grishchenko]
* [http://www.MarcLaporte.com|Marc Laporte], [http://tikiwiki.org/|Tiki Wiki-CMS-Groupware]
* [http://www.onekin.org|Gorka Puente ], Onekin Research group, University of the Basque Country
* [http://www.transnationalspaces.wordpress.com/|Johanna Niesyto], University of Siegen
* [http://www.onlinecreation.info|Mayo Fuster Morell], European University Institute
* Peter Gehres, The University of Tulsa
* [http://felipeortega.net|Felie Ortega], Libresoft, Rey Juan Carlos University.
* Antero Aunesluoma, University of Helsinki
* [http://en.opasnet.org|Juha Villman], National Institute for Health and Welfare
* [http://www.math.cornell.edu/~mbarany|Michael Barany], University of Edinburgh
* [http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~westand|Andrew G. West], University of Pennsylvania
* [http://jodischneider.com/ |Jodi Schneider], [http://www.deri.ie/about/team/member/jodi_schneider/ |Social Software Unit], DERI, NUI Galway
*[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danese_Cooper |Danese Cooper ], CTO, Wikimedia Foundation
*Jeff Jones, Office IT Manager, Wikimedia Foundation
* Frank Schulenburg, Head of Public Outreach, Wikimedia Foundation
* [http://www.nicolas-jullien.labocommunicant.net/ |Nicolas Jullien], Marsouin, Institut Telecom Bretagne & UEB
* Kul Takanao Wadhwa, Wikimedia Foundation
* [http://www.aifb.kit.edu/web/Frank_Dengler/en|Frank Dengler], Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
* [http://www.iwm-kmrc.de/i.halatchliyski|Iassen Halatchliyski], Knowledge Media Research Center Tübingen
* Ariel Glenn, Wikimedia Foundation
* [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Peteforsyth |Pete Forsyth], Public Outreach Officer, Wikimedia Foundation
*[http://infodisiac.com/blog/| Erik Zachte] Data Analyst Wikimedia Foundation
* Samuel Klein, Wikimedian
* [http://zak.greant.com | Zak Greant], Docs Consultant, Wikimedia Foundation
* dory carr-harris, goldsmiths, university of london
* AnneGoldenberg, UQAM, Montreal and Unice, France
* [http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anv%C3%A4ndare:Anna.h.bauer|Anna Bauer], [http://kreablo.se|Kreablo] and Wikimedia Sverige.
* [http://kreablo.se:8080/x/bin/view/Ext/Andreas%20Jonssons%20CV?language=en|Andreas Jonsson], [http://kreablo.se|Kreablo], Sweden
* [http://blog.lphuberdeau.com|Louis-Philippe Huberdeau], Canada
* [http://www.deri.ie/about/team/member/fabrizio_orlandi/ |Fabrizio Orlandi], DERI, NUI Galway, Ireland
* [http://www.medkom.tu-chemnitz.de/mk/personen_pentzold_en.php|Christian Pentzold], Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany
* [http://martin.cleaver.org|Martin Cleaver], Blended Perspectives, Canada (traveling from Prague - contact me @mrjcleaver if you are coming from the same direction and want to take the train together)
* [http://www.cis.gvsu.edu/~kurmasz| Zack Kurmas], Grand Valley State University (Anybody interested in touring Suwałki after the conference?)
* [http://www.cs.auckland.ac.nz/~chir008/|Christian Hirsch], University of Auckland, New Zealand
* [http://www.imm.dtu.dk/~fn/|Finn Årup Nielsen], Technical University of Denmark (I presently have a problem with registration).
* [http://www2.uiah.fi/~tleinone/|Teemu Leinonen], Aalto University School of Art and Design, Helsinki, Finland
*[http://home.medewerker.uva.nl/f.e.salor/|Erinc Salor], University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
* [http://www.peacelink.it/mediawatch/a/29995.html|Annalisa Pelizza], University of Milan-Bicocca, Italy / Lepida.it / Telestreet.it
* Ilire Hasani-Mavriqi, Graz University of Technology, Austria
* [http://blueoxen.com/|Eugene Eric Kim], Blue Oxen Associates
* [http://iet.open.ac.uk/people/p.alevizou |Giota Alevizou], Open University
* [http://mediawiki.org/wiki/User:Duesentrieb|Daniel Kinzler], [http://wikimedia.de|Wikimedia Deutschland]
* Andreea Gorbatai, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA USA
* [http://www.linkedin.com/in/regisbarondeau|Régis Barondeau], UQAM (Université du Québec à Montréal)
* [http://econterms.net/pbmeyer/wiki/|Peter Meyer], potential US government cross-agency [https://statipedia.org/wiki|statipedia.org]
!!I might be attending
*Alexander '[http://amette.eu|amette]' Mette, [http://tikiwiki.org/|Tiki Wiki-CMS-Groupware]
!!I'm coming to WikiSym
(see also the [http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=273059892420|facebook event] for more attendees!)
* Ademar Aguiar, University of Porto
* [http://www.sftw.umac.mo/~robertb/|Robert Biuk-Aghai], University of Macau
* [http://www.andreaforte.net|Andrea Forte], Drexel University
* [http://michalf.me|Michał Frąckowiak] from [http://www.wikidot.com|Wikidot.com]
* [http://bouillon.math.usu.ru|Victor Grishchenko]
* [http://www.MarcLaporte.com|Marc Laporte], [http://tikiwiki.org/|Tiki Wiki-CMS-Groupware]
* [http://www.onekin.org|Gorka Puente ], Onekin Research group, University of the Basque Country
* [http://www.transnationalspaces.wordpress.com/|Johanna Niesyto], University of Siegen
* [http://www.onlinecreation.info|Mayo Fuster Morell], European University Institute
* Peter Gehres, The University of Tulsa
* [http://felipeortega.net|Felie Ortega], Libresoft, Rey Juan Carlos University.
* Antero Aunesluoma, University of Helsinki
* [http://en.opasnet.org|Juha Villman], National Institute for Health and Welfare
* [http://www.math.cornell.edu/~mbarany|Michael Barany], University of Edinburgh
* [http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~westand|Andrew G. West], University of Pennsylvania
* [http://jodischneider.com/ |Jodi Schneider], [http://www.deri.ie/about/team/member/jodi_schneider/ |Social Software Unit], DERI, NUI Galway
*[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danese_Cooper |Danese Cooper ], CTO, Wikimedia Foundation
*Jeff Jones, Office IT Manager, Wikimedia Foundation
* Frank Schulenburg, Head of Public Outreach, Wikimedia Foundation
* [http://www.nicolas-jullien.labocommunicant.net/ |Nicolas Jullien], Marsouin, Institut Telecom Bretagne & UEB
* Kul Takanao Wadhwa, Wikimedia Foundation
* [http://www.aifb.kit.edu/web/Frank_Dengler/en|Frank Dengler], Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
* [http://www.iwm-kmrc.de/i.halatchliyski|Iassen Halatchliyski], Knowledge Media Research Center Tübingen
* Ariel Glenn, Wikimedia Foundation
* [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Peteforsyth |Pete Forsyth], Public Outreach Officer, Wikimedia Foundation
*[http://infodisiac.com/blog/| Erik Zachte] Data Analyst Wikimedia Foundation
* Samuel Klein, Wikimedian
* [http://zak.greant.com | Zak Greant], Docs Consultant, Wikimedia Foundation
* dory carr-harris, goldsmiths, university of london
* AnneGoldenberg, UQAM, Montreal and Unice, France
* [http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anv%C3%A4ndare:Anna.h.bauer|Anna Bauer], [http://kreablo.se|Kreablo] and Wikimedia Sverige.
* [http://kreablo.se:8080/x/bin/view/Ext/Andreas%20Jonssons%20CV?language=en|Andreas Jonsson], [http://kreablo.se|Kreablo], Sweden
* [http://blog.lphuberdeau.com|Louis-Philippe Huberdeau], Canada
* [http://www.deri.ie/about/team/member/fabrizio_orlandi/ |Fabrizio Orlandi], DERI, NUI Galway, Ireland
* [http://www.medkom.tu-chemnitz.de/mk/personen_pentzold_en.php|Christian Pentzold], Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany
* [http://martin.cleaver.org|Martin Cleaver], Blended Perspectives, Canada (traveling from Prague - contact me @mrjcleaver if you are coming from the same direction and want to take the train together)
* [http://www.cis.gvsu.edu/~kurmasz| Zack Kurmas], Grand Valley State University (Anybody interested in touring Suwałki after the conference?)
* [http://www.cs.auckland.ac.nz/~chir008/|Christian Hirsch], University of Auckland, New Zealand
* [http://www.imm.dtu.dk/~fn/|Finn Årup Nielsen], Technical University of Denmark (I presently have a problem with registration).
* [http://www2.uiah.fi/~tleinone/|Teemu Leinonen], Aalto University School of Art and Design, Helsinki, Finland
*[http://home.medewerker.uva.nl/f.e.salor/|Erinc Salor], University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
* [http://www.peacelink.it/mediawatch/a/29995.html|Annalisa Pelizza], University of Milan-Bicocca, Italy / Lepida.it / Telestreet.it
* Ilire Hasani-Mavriqi, Graz University of Technology, Austria
* [http://blueoxen.com/|Eugene Eric Kim], Blue Oxen Associates
* [http://iet.open.ac.uk/people/p.alevizou |Giota Alevizou], Open University
* [http://mediawiki.org/wiki/User:Duesentrieb|Daniel Kinzler], [http://wikimedia.de|Wikimedia Deutschland]
* Andreea Gorbatai, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA USA
* [http://www.linkedin.com/in/regisbarondeau|Régis Barondeau], UQAM (Université du Québec à Montréal)
* [http://econterms.net/pbmeyer/wiki/|Peter Meyer], potential US government cross-agency [https://statipedia.org/wiki|statipedia.org]
!!I might be attending
*Alexander '[http://amette.eu|amette]' Mette, [http://tikiwiki.org/|Tiki Wiki-CMS-Groupware]