History: Proceedings
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The Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration (WikiSym '09)
The proceedings of the symposium including PDFs are made available here as well as in the ACM Digital Library

- Frontmatter (including foreword) - PDF
- Symposium Committee - PDF
- Program Committee - PDF
- Additional Reviewers - PDF
- Best Paper Committee - PDF
Invited Talks
Opening Keynote
- 101. Visualizing the Inner Lives of Texts? by Fernanda Viégas and Martin Wattenberg (IBM Research) - PDF
Closing Keynote
- 102. Community Performance Optimization: Making Your People Run as Smoothly as Your Site? by Brion Vibber (Wikimedia Foundation) - PDF
Research Papers
Session: Learning and Social Context
- 103. Understanding Learning - the Wiki Way? by Joachim Kimmerle, Johannes Moskaliuk, and Ulrike Cress (University of Tuebingen) (Germany) - PDF
Session: Visualization
- 104. rv you're dumb: Identifying Discarded Work in Wiki Article History? by Michael D. Ekstrand, and John T. Riedl (University of Minnesota) (USA) - PDF
- 105. Bipartite Networks of Wikipedia's Articles and Authors: a Meso-level Approach? by Rut Jesus (University of Copenhagen), Martin Schwartz (University of Denmark), and Sune Lehmann (Northeastern University/Dana Farber Cancer Institute) (Denmark, USA) - PDF
- 106. SAVVY Wiki: A Context-oriented Collaborative Knowledge Management System? by Takafumi Nakanishi (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, NICT), Koji Zettsu (NICT), Yutaka Kidawara (NICT), and Yasushi Kiyoki (Keio University) (Japan) - PDF
Session: Understanding Wikipedia
- 107. Herding the Cats: The Influence of Groups in Coordinating Peer Production? by Aniket Kittur, Bryan Pendleton, and Robert E. Kraut (Carnegie Mellon University) (USA) - PDF
- 108. The Singularity is Not Near: Slowing Growth of Wikipedia? by Bongwon Suh, Gregorio Convertino, Ed H. Chi, and Peter Pirolli (Palo Alto Research Center) (USA) - PDF
Session: Programming and Analysis Tools
- 109. Lively Wiki - A Development Environment for Creating and Sharing Active Web Content? by Robert Krahn (Hasso-Plattner-Institut), Dan Ingalls (Sun Microsystems), Robert Hirschfeld (Hasso-Plattner-Institut), Jens Lincke (Hasso-Plattner-Institut), and Krysztof Palacz (Sun Microsystems) (Germany & USA) - PDF
- 110. AdessoWiki - On-line Collaborative Scientific Programming Platform? by Roberto Lotufo, Rubens C. Machado, Andre Korbes, and Rafael G. Ramos (University of Campinas (UNICAMP)) (Brazil) - PDF
- 111. Analyzing the Wikisphere? by Jeff Stuckman and James Purtilo (University of Maryland, College Park) (USA) - PDF
Session: Interface Tools
- 112. An Architecture to Support Intelligent User Interfaces for Wikis by Means of NLP? by Johannes Hoffart?, Torsten Zesch, and Iryna Gurevych (Technische Universitat Darmstadt) (Germany) - PDF
- 113. Social Search and Need-driven Knowledge Sharing in Wikis with Woogle? by Hans-Jorg Happel (FZI Research Center for Information Technologies) (Germany) - PDF
- 114. Wikibugs: Using Template Messages in Open Content Collections? by Loris Gaio (University of Trento), Matthijs den Besten (Ecole Polytechnique), Alessandro Rossi (University of Trento), and Jean-Michel Dalle (Universite Pierre et Marie Curie) (France, Italy) - PDF
Session: Quality and Credibility
- 115. A Jury of Your Peers: Quality, Experience and Ownership in Wikipedia? by Aaron Halfaker (University of Minnesota), Aniket Kittur (Carnegie Mellon University, CMU), Robert Kraut (CMU), and John Riedl (University of Minnesota) (USA) - PDF
- 116. Assessing the Quality of Wikipedia Articles with Lifecycle Based Metrics? by Thomas Wohner and Ralf Peters (Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg) (Germany) - PDF
Short Research Papers
Session: Quality and Credibility
- 117. Wiki Credibility Enhancement? by Felix Halim, Wu Yongzheng, and Roland Yap (National University of Singapore) (Singapore) - PDF
Session: Understanding Wikipedia
- 118. Organizing the Vision for Web 2.0: A Study of the Evolution of the Concept in Wikipedia? by Arnaud Gorgeon and E. Burton Swanson (UCLA) (USA) - PDF
Experience Reports
Session: Learning and Social Context
- 119. Wiki for Law Firms? by Urs Egli (Egli Partners Attorneys-at-Law, Zurich, Switzerland) and Peter Sommerlad? (HSR Hochschule für Technik, Rapperswil, Switzerland) - PDF
- 145. knowIT, a Semantic Informatics Knowledge Management System? by Laurent Alquier, Keith McCormick, and Ed Jaeger (Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Research & Development, LLC) (USA) - PDF
- 120. Visualizing Intellectual Connections among Philosophers Using the Hyperlink & Semantic Data from Wikipedia? by Sofia J. Athenikos and Xia Lin (Drexel University) (USA) - PDF
- 121. Cosmos: A Wiki Data Management System? by Qinyi Wu, Calton Pu and Danesh Irani (Georgia Institute of Technology) (USA) - PDF
- 122. WiSyMon: Managing Systems Monitoring Information in Semantic Wikis? by Frank Kleiner, Andreas Abecker and Sven F. Brinkmann (FZI Research Center for Information Technology) (Germany) - PDF
- 123. Wikis to Support Collaborative Web Spaces to Promote Youth Well-being? by Shahper Vodanovich, Max Rohde, Ching-shen Dong and David Sundaram (University of Auckland) (New Zealand) - PDF
- 124. Wikipublisher: A Print-on-Demand Wiki? by John Rankin (Affinity Limited), Craig Anslow, James Noble, Brenda Chawner, Donald Gordon (Victoria University of Wellington) (New Zealand) - PDF
- 125. DynaTable: A Wiki Extension for Structured Data? by Carrie Arnold, Todd Fleming, David Largent, Chris Lüer (Ball State University) (USA) - PDF
- 126. Leveraging Crowdsourcing Heuristics to Improve Search in Wikipedia? by Yasser Ganjisaffar, Sara Javanmardi and Cristina Lopes (University of California, Irvine) (USA) - PDF
- 127. Evaluating the Trustworthiness of Wikipedia Articles through Quality and Credibility? by Sai T. Moturu and Huan Liu (Arizona State University) (USA) - PDF
- 128. Comparison of Middle School, High School and Community College Students' Wiki Activity in Globaloria-West Virginia (Pilot Year-Two)? by Rebecca Reynolds (Syracuse University) and Idit Harel Caperton (World Wide Workshop Foundation) (USA) - PDF
- 129. The Social Roles of Bots and Assisted Editing Programs? by R. Stuart Geiger (Georgetown University) (USA) - PDF
- 130. Incremental Knowledge Acquisition in Software Development Using a Weakly-Typed Wiki? by Filipe F. Correia, Hugo S. Ferreira, Nuno Flores and Ademar Aguiar (Universidade do Porto) (Portugal) - PDF
- 131. Pre-service Teachers’ Experiences with Wiki: Challenges of Asynchronous Collaboration? by Diler Öner (Boğaziçi University) (Turkey) - PDF
- 132. Increasing the Accuracy of Wiki Searches Using Semantic Knowledge Engine and Semantic Archivist? by Gretchen Lowerison and Michael Lowerison (Coreidea Innovation Inc.) (Canada) - PDF
- 133. Collective Intelligence Approach for Formulating a BOK of Social Informatics, an Interdisciplinary Field of Study? by Yoshifumi Masunaga, Yoshiyuki Shoji, Kazunari Ito (Aoyama Gakuin University) (Japan) - PDF
- 134. Understanding Information Sharing in Software Development through Wiki Log Analysis? by Ammy Jiranida Phuwanartnurak and David G. Hendry (University of Washington) (USA) - PDF
- 136. Why Wikis Work? by Christoph Schneider (City University of Hong Kong) (China) - PDF
- 137. The Value of Corporate Wikis? by Lakshmi Goel (University of North Florida) and Iris Junglas (University of Houston) (USA) - PDF
- 138. Wikis for Software Engineering? by Ademar Aguiar (Universidade do Porto) (Portugal) - PDF
- 139. Measuring Wikipedia? by Luca De Alfaro (University of California, Santa Cruz) (USA) and Felipe Ortega (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos) (Spain) - PDF
- 140. Wikis for Software Engineering? by Ademar Aguiar (Universidade do Porto) (Portugal) - PDF
- 141. Wiki Entrepreneurship? by Stewart Mader (Independent) (USA) - PDF
- 142. 3DWiki: The 3D Wiki Engine? by Jacek Jankowski, Marek Jozwowicz, Yolanda Cobos, Bill McDaniel, Stefan Decker (National University of Ireland) (Ireland) - PDF
- 143. ProveIt: A New Tool for Supporting Citation in MediaWiki? by Kurt Luther, Matthew Flaschen, Andrea Forte, Christopher Jordan, Amy Bruckman (Georgia Institute of Technology) (USA) - PDF
- 144. Suffr: Democratic Control of Computing Infrastructure? by Kirk Zurell (Independent) (Canada) - PDF
- Author Index - PDF
- Sponsors and Supporters - PDF