In 2010, WikiSym will be colocated with the Wikimania conference; see
for more.
In contrast, WikiSym is primarily an academic conference intended for the presentation of research related to wikis and open collaboration. Wikimania is also much larger conference than WikiSym and extends far beyond academic research. With over 600 attendees, most of whom are Wikimedia contributors, Wikimania has adopted different kinds of tracks and session formats than WikiSym.
Wikimania has a strong tradition of “lightning talks”, sessions in which anyone can speak for a few minutes on any topic. The conference also has a strong technical track in which developers present and discuss new software, usually intended to make wiki projects more usable or functional.

General questions
What is Wikimania?
Wikimania is an annual conference organized by the Wikimedia Foundation, the non-profit organization that operates a number of wiki-based projects, most notably Wikipedia. Since the first conference in Frankfurt, Germany in 2005, Wikimania has been held each summer in a different country: the United States in 2006, Taiwan in 2007, Egypt in 2008, Argentina in 2009, and now Poland in 2010.How is Wikimania similar to and different from WikiSym?
The two conferences have a shared orientation towards wikis and open collaboration, with both giving much focus to Wikipedia but also branching out to many related projects and issues. However, they are quite different in terms of their size, scope, structure, and motivation. Wikimania is first and foremost a community event, run by and for members of all Wikimedia projects across the world. Topics are largely related to Wikimedia and other projects in the free culture and open access movements.In contrast, WikiSym is primarily an academic conference intended for the presentation of research related to wikis and open collaboration. Wikimania is also much larger conference than WikiSym and extends far beyond academic research. With over 600 attendees, most of whom are Wikimedia contributors, Wikimania has adopted different kinds of tracks and session formats than WikiSym.
Is Wikimania an academic conference?
Many Wikimedians are interested in research about their projects, and there is an academic/scientific track for scholars to present their findings. However, this is only one part of the conference: at Wikimania 2009, for example, 17 out of the 83 sessions were in the academic track. Unlike WikiSym, the Wikimania academic track does not review full papers and does not publish conference proceedings – although video recordings and slidedecks are generally made available online.What else happens at Wikimania?
In addition to academic presentations, Wikimania features presentations and panel discussions on community issues (such as the copyright license migration or the Board of Trustees election) as well as topics related to outreach, education, and long-term/strategic planning. Presentations about local versions of Wikimedia projects (like the Portuguese or Arabic Wikipedias) are a regular topic, and especially so for the local language. While most sessions are about Wikimedia-based projects, topics about other free culture, open education, or collaborative content projects are welcome.Wikimania has a strong tradition of “lightning talks”, sessions in which anyone can speak for a few minutes on any topic. The conference also has a strong technical track in which developers present and discuss new software, usually intended to make wiki projects more usable or functional.